All goats. All the time.
Our story
Like so many other backyard goat farms, our adventure started with one little girl who was obsessed with goats!
Every petting zoo, farm and county fair trip had to start and end with a visit to the goats. Big ones, small ones, brown ones, white ones — it didn’t matter. She just loved the goats. We called them her “spirit animal” and smiled at the joy that they always brought.
Fast forward a few years (and a few hundred begging sessions), and we joined our local goat 4H club, were gifted a beautiful Nubian doe from our sponsor family (Peanut), and bought two other friends (Zoey and Starlight) to keep her company at home. Simply Sweet Farm was born!
Today, our herd has grown quite a bit, but our goals remain the same — love our goats, improve the dairy strength and health of our herd through wise breeding choices, and have fun in the show ring!
Peanut @ 1 month old.